This blog has been an idea in my mind for longer than I can remember. I hope you find this space to be comforting, inspiring & connecting. I will share all the things that make my life burst with color.
Racism in America - Taking Time to Listen, Learn, Reflect, and Act
As a white person who is privileged by structures of institutional racism in America—I am committed to actively and mindfully utilizing these unearned advantages to "take on the problems borne of oppression as my own, without remove or distance", as professor and writer Roxane Gay defines it. I want to exercise allyship as a verb, not a self-proclaimed noun. This intention is something I must choose every day.
The Song of Spring - Repost from May 2016
By the time our eyelids flutter open, small bits of morning light have started seeping through our window blinds. We no longer feel we are waking in the dark of night each morning. We can see the familiar landscape of mountains and trees burst with green. It is lush and teeming with new life.
Q+A - How Do You Handle Paper Clutter?
Quite a few readers asked me about how I manage clutter in my home. I have decided to treat paper clutter separately from other forms of clutter as the systems I use are so different from one another. We will focus on one at a time.
Random Facts About Me
Let’s get to know one another a bit better! I will share some random facts about me that you may not know—and you can share a few things about yourself that I may not know. Don’t be shy now! Let’s have a little fun!
Savoring Autumn
We are experiencing some downright chilly days here in Salt Lake City. The fall colors are at a peak—the reds, yellows, and oranges dot the landscapes around us. The air brings in that earthy smell with a hint of fire.
Autumn Leaves and Letting Go
Yesterday afternoon, I had a few moments to sneak outside and visit our porch chair. I felt like a flower that tilts its head in order to find the afternoon light. The sun was resting late in the sky but I could still feel its glow and warmth.
Simple Ways to Save the Planet
Like any relationship, when we take more than we give—our actions destroy the very relationship we have come to depend on and rely on. Our dependence is especially clear when it comes to how we treat the planet and our cohabitants.
14 Summer Pleasures
The summer months are here! Are you waking up to sunshine spilling through your blinds or curtains each morning—the light reaching out to you like an invitation to begin each day at the dawn’s light?
Spring Love
Spring has finally sprung! All I can say is that I am receiving the sunshine and warmer temperatures (and even the rain) with open arms.
Holiday Wishes
The holidays are upon us. We are nearly at the close of a year-- with the beginning of 2019 beckoning us forward! Who is ready for a new year? Thank you for joining me here these past several months.
Fall Leaves and Letting Go
The leaves have begun to turn color in the nearby canyon. I have always loved how nature has a sense of flare.
Weekly Share of Shares
Greetings to you on this fine Friday! Why the stop sign you might ask? It isn't particularly beautiful, I know. But it is fitting! Have you had times in your life when experiences rise up and make you literally stop in your tracks in order to pay closer attention?
Weekly Share - May 4, 2018
Spring continues to show her astounding stuff, wouldn't you agree? Everything is so alive! Here are few things that have been making my life a bit sweeter lately.
Weekly Share - April 25, 2018
I love how nature bursts forth at this time of year. Color. Color. Everywhere! Just try to ignore it. Amidst all of my studying, I have collected a few musings of goodness. Don't we all need that? Ready?
Weekly Share - April 13, 2018
Congratulations on making it to Friday. Do you have something special planned for the weekend? Or are you happy to put on some comfy clothes and relax a bit? I have been so happy to see blooming things on my runs lately.
Weekly Share - April 6, 2018
May you surround yourself with those who know and love you best. Good love heals. In the meantime, here are some simple things that have brought me pleasure.
Weekly Share - March 30, 2018
My week has been a full one. Not busy, but full. How has your week felt to you? Here are some things that made my week a bit more interesting.
Weekly Share - March 23, 2018
Are you learning something new currently? What is it? Feel free to share below in the comments section! But now, on to the share!
Weekly Share - March 9, 2018
You have made it to Friday. For that, you are the winner! Yes. You. Are. And the prize is... some fun shares delivered from me to you.
Weekly Share - March 2, 2018
Weekly favorites including: something to watch, something to listen to, and a simple pleasure.