This blog has been an idea in my mind for longer than I can remember. I hope you find this space to be comforting, inspiring & connecting. I will share all the things that make my life burst with color.
A Daily Practice
For many of us, when we feel increasing levels of distress and overwhelm, we fall back on coping patterns from our childhood. Normally, how we cope is unconscious. We are not aware of it. And much of our coping stems from a wound of some sort.
One Small Promise Each Day
I have been following The Holistic Psychologist on Instagram for some time now (otherwise known as Dr. Nicole LePera). Have you met yet? If not, consider yourselves properly introduced!! Nicole LePera is a wonderful mental health resource who produces content at your fingertips!
Intentions for 2020
The start of a new year holds such promise, doesn’t it? Out with the old and in with the new! We have our planners in hand. We are looking forward to beginning with a clean slate. Whether you choose to make goals for yourself or to set intentions or to choose a focus word like I did last year (see here), or to pass on all this nonsense—I am curious to hear how you approach the new year!
An Intentional Holiday Season
The holiday season often takes on a pace of its own. Have you noticed this? Without a clear vision of what makes the season fulfilling to us, we can end up feeling wasted, depleted, sad, and in debt in no time!
A Simple Gratitude Practice for the Upcoming Holiday Season
Growing up, I always looked forward to the holiday season. My mother remains a “more is more” human when it comes to anything remotely festive in nature. Thanksgiving was an all day affair.
Five Tips to Begin a Meditation Practice
I began meditating at a time of great tumult in my life. From what I have read, painful moments have been a catalyst for many a meditator! It has been nearly three years now--and most days, I meditate ten minutes every morning.
Strategies to Simplify an Overactive Life
The "busy" happens to all of us. As deliberate as I try to be--life can snowball into "overwhelm" without a great deal of effort. It happens. But as my fatigue builds or my anxiety mounts with the increasing demands of my life, I have found a few strategies that help to bring me back down again.
Five Ways to Slow Down and Connect With Your Life
“Attention is the most basic form of love; through it we bless and are blessed.” -John Tarrant