This blog has been an idea in my mind for longer than I can remember. I hope you find this space to be comforting, inspiring & connecting. I will share all the things that make my life burst with color.
An Exciting Announcement!
We are exploring a new podcast idea and I would love to hear from you! Have you found that there is an area in your life that has significantly improved or become healthier after going through a faith transition?
A Podcast About Finding Spirituality After Religion
Anthony Miller, Samantha Shelley (Zelph on the Shelf), Holly Ashton Wallin, and John Dehlin, and I all came together to talk about what spirituality means to us now—and basically…a whole bunch of MAGIC happened!
Coming Home - My Thrive Talk
I like to think of life transitions as the ultimate invitation. The call? To live more deeply. To be a bit more aware of our own fragility and strength. To practice compassion for ourselves and for others.
The Shift From External to Internal
One of the first shifts that often occurs in life transitions but that is especially relevant to a religious one -- is the turn from looking outside of ourselves to find answers -- toward trying to discern how we feel, what we value, or what we need from the inside out.
Broken Open
In this episode Margi Dehlin shares an essay she recently wrote dealing with heartbreak, resilience, and intimacy entitled "Broken Open." The text of the poem is available below.
A Poem for You
While it may take time to find and cultivate relationships that truly reflect us, it can be done. Do not lose heart if you feel alone. Give it time. You are worthy of good love.
When Things Fall Apart
"It may be when we no longer know what to do, that we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey." Wendell Berry