This blog has been an idea in my mind for longer than I can remember. I hope you find this space to be comforting, inspiring & connecting. I will share all the things that make my life burst with color.
Aging Well
While we all will likely have our own ideas about how to truly live as we age, I thought I would share a few thoughts about what healthy aging looks like for me these days.
My Silver Hair Update
I thought I would offer an update on my silver hair journey as several people have asked how the process is going. Are you ready to be “in the loop?” I have included a few photos so you can see for yourselves how things are progressing.
Q+A - What’s Your Current Skincare Routine?
Important tenets of health— like eating nutrient-dense foods, sleeping well, getting outside regularly, moving our bodies, spending time with our peeps, stimulating our brains, and embracing moments of letting it all go (by watching Netflix, for example, or by stepping outside or taking a bath) act as protectors to our physical, mental, and emotional selves.
My Decision to Embrace the Silver
I thought I would share a bit of why I have decided to go silver and some products or strategies that have been working for me. My hope is that some of you will offer what is currently working for you too! Ready to get started?