Rachel of PostMormon Parenting had three children before her faith transition, and her parenting style was modeled after the examples she found in the scriptures and at church. During and after her faith transition, she realized that this style was doing more harm than good, and things needed to change.
Topics: Faith crisis, infertility, identity
After her marriage to a "worthy" priesthood-holding Returned Missionary goes south when her husband is arrested for fraud, Louisa Killian finds love & equality in a relationship outside of the Church and a fulfilling career teaching dance at BYU.
Holly eventually came to experience the loss of her marriage, her faith, her career path, and her health. Witness how Holly rebuilt her identity and her life after loss by connecting back to that fire within.
What happens when a true believing mormon mom discovers that two of her “future missionary” sons are gay/queer/nonbinary?
Marc spent most of his young adult life and the entirety of his time in the Mormon church trying to fit in. After converting to Mormonism, Marc’s tendency to be hard on himself grew into scrupulosity--a form of religious OCD that made his self-worth plummet.
One of the most pressing questions parents ask after a faith shift is, “What do I do about my kids?” Without orthodoxy, the way forward feels disorienting. In this interview, Jon Ogden, co-founder of http://UpliftKids.org, suggests that a strong foundation already exists in the form of science and wisdom.
Come listen and participate in the conversation as we talk to Dre Robinson, cofounder of BeautyLab. Dre will talk a bit about her life growing up as a smart, assertive, and driven woman existing in a structure and culture that had a very limiting beliefs about women and their roles in the home, life, and the world.
Samantha Shelley (co-host of Zelph on the Shelf) will be stopping by the studio to share her journey from childhood growing up in England in an atheist/agnostic home through her teen years where she converted to Mormonism.
Join us as we welcome Jessica Parker to the Thrive Stories podcast to discuss her journey of accepting and finding peace in infertility.
Thrive interviews Jake Bellenfant
Topics: Growing up gay and LDS, mental health, grief, resilience
Join Margi, John, and Carah as we discuss sexuality, body confidence, and owning our own stories from this minute forward. Faith Erickson has found deeper meaning and exhilaration in celebrating sexuality and body autonomy in her life after Mormonism.
Join Margi, John, and Carah for our next episode of Thrive Stories this coming Tuesday at noon (MST). We will hear Dave Biesinger talk about meaning and purpose after a faith transition. Join us to hear Dave’s narrative and how he now feels he is enjoying The Good Life.
Join Margi, John, and Carah for the premiere episode of Thrive Stories this coming Tuesday at noon (MST). Get to know Margi as she shares how her journey has allowed her a process of becoming significant to herself and finding her own voice. We hope that you will join us as we introduce Margi, the main interviewer of Thrive Stories by having her share her own Thrive story.