Topics: Faith crisis, infertility, identity
Holly eventually came to experience the loss of her marriage, her faith, her career path, and her health. Witness how Holly rebuilt her identity and her life after loss by connecting back to that fire within.
In this two-part series, we discuss death, loss, and grief. Co-hosts are John and Margi Dehlin. Today’s Panelists: Emily Celis and Aimee Heffernan.
Join Margi, John, and Carah for the premiere episode of Thrive Stories this coming Tuesday at noon (MST). Get to know Margi as she shares how her journey has allowed her a process of becoming significant to herself and finding her own voice. We hope that you will join us as we introduce Margi, the main interviewer of Thrive Stories by having her share her own Thrive story.
Presented by Margi Dehlin at the June 2019 THRIVE Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah