Autumn Capsule Breakfast Menu

I have tried something new with our breakfast ritual recently. A capsule breakfast menu. You know how much I enjoy my capsule wardrobe! Yes!  Well, I thought the same benefits might apply to meal planning and our breakfast meal.

How It Works

All I do is choose three options for breakfast that both children love. This may seem obvious but by being mindful as to what we make-- I am able to simplify shopping, preparation, and it saves money too. I love to have our food reflect the season so you will notice our breakfast options are warm.

Our Three Options

  1. Hot cereal bar. I include Cream of Wheat (for Winston) and oatmeal (for Clara and Winston) as options. I have chopped pecans and walnuts on hand. Blueberries, raisins, and bananas for fruit. They can add a bit of almond milk. Brown sugar or honey, for sweetening. Often times, my children opt to eat their hot cereal with only butter and salt. My dad would be so proud (that is how he made our hot cereal growing up).

  2. Two eggs with grainy toast and fruit in season. I love my eggs with fresh greens. Clara and Win may go for that or they may choose to grate a bit of sharp cheddar on top of theirs. If we have avocado, we may make avocado toast. Or have a jam toast. We have been devouring pears lately.

  3. Pancakes with bacon/sausage and fruit in season. Winston is crazy about pancakes! He is not a morning person by nature so this breakfast feels like love to him. It rewards him for getting up! I use a sourdough mix. Provide a couple slices of good quality breakfast meat and you guessed it...pears.

I may offer the kids a bit of coffee too--especially if they have stayed up late studying. They both seem to love their coffee with almond milk hazelnut creamer. I can't blame them as it is delish!

Other Options

Clearly, these options reflect a blend of my values and my children's tastes. Your capsule breakfast menu may look very different from mine. You may choose to include a cereal bar (maybe keep it to two choices?), or waffles with a protein or fruit, or a green smoothie with whole grain toast. Be creative. Allow your children to lead a bit. Remember to keep it simple.

What are some of your current favorite breakfast options for the autumn season (or for whatever season you are currently in!)? Do you find that your preferences change with the seasons or do you like to have a single option for breakfast? I would love to hear what works for you for breakfast. Here is to making the most of our mornings!

Margi Dehlin

Life Transition Coach | Blogger | Mother of Four | Health & Wellness | Minimalism

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