Podcast Love

One of my favorite ways to enhance any activity is to listen to a podcast. Do you have podcasts you love? I find that I am drawn to podcasts for a variety of reasons. A few might be...

  • to learn and grow

  • to feel inspired

  • to feel connected

I thought I would share a few of my favorites lately. Are you ready?

  1. Two podcast episodes for healing. While I am not a regular listener to Goop podcast, I have recently found two interviews that have been amazing and timely. Both can be found on iTunes. The first is an interview with psychiatrist, Dr. Robin Berman who talks about how we can work to heal ourselves from the wounds of our childhoods. So good. The episode is called "How to Move On from Your Imperfect Childhood." The interview is about 35 minutes long which makes it perfect to listen to on your daily walk or while folding laundry. My second recommend may interest you, if you have experienced the loss of a loved one around the holidays or if feelings of grief come up for you this time of year. The episode, "What Matters in the End" with Dr. Lucy Kalanithi is reflective in a way that really moved me. Lucy was married to the late author, Paul Kalanithi the voice behind the memoir When Breath Becomes Air. A neurosurgeon by training, Paul writes about what makes life worth living as he faces a staggering diagnosis at the age of 36. He writes of living well, even as he is dying. Lucy's voice is the ultimate tribute--as it acknowledges the landscape of loss but also contains resilience and wisdom.

  2. A podcast to open your mind and heart. Have you heard of Serial? It is an investigative journalism style podcast that is produced by This American Life. I just finished season 3. Each season has a different focus. This particular season takes place in Cleveland, with the focus being on the judicial system. Case by case. My mind was blown. The first episode did not hook me but by the second--I was all in. As citizens, we all should all care enough to learn about how our judicial serves and fails us (some of us more than others).

  3. A podcast for those of us who suffer from news fatigue but still wish to stay informed. I am going to be honest. I find listening to the news to be a challenge these days as it can be so triggering and disempowering. After a long talk with my daughter, Anna (who allowed me to see that remaining connected is important) and my wish to honor my own mental health-- Anna introduced me to Up First by NPR. Think of it as your ten-minute summary to the latest headlines. The brief format is digestible--and doesn't leave me incapacitated for the rest of the day (most days). Consider it if you desire to stay abreast to what is happening in our country without wanting to pitch a tent in the mess of it. I don't listen every day but it is my initial stop.

  4. Two podcast episodes for mental health. I have started listening to The Simple Self Care podcast recently, hosted by Randi Kay. Randi works out of a studio in Wyoming. She is a podcaster, a yoga instructor, as well as a massage therapist. Her voice is so so so soothing. In particular, I savored podcast episodes "Self Care for Mental Health Part 1" and the subsequent, "Self Care for Mental Health Part 2" as they are both gentle and well-informed. I find a great deal of wisdom in her holistic approaches to emotional wellness.

The holidays can be natural times for more emotional tumult. If you are feeling vulnerable, know that you are not alone! I hope that at least a couple of the podcast episodes I mentioned above can offer you a bit of comfort.

And now it is your turn! What are some of your favorite podcasts to listen to? When do you listen? Won't you share?? I would love to hear. Sending you love.

Margi Dehlin

Life Transition Coach | Blogger | Mother of Four | Health & Wellness | Minimalism


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